LPPM IPB University and Ministry of Internal Affairs Discuss About Precision Village Data
IPB University Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) organized with the Ministry of Internal Affairs held a discussion related to the Precision Village Data Program (DDP) in Jakarta, (15/12). This meeting was held in order to brainstorm DDP to become a national program.
Dr. Sofyan Sjaf, Deputy Head of Community Service of IPB University who is also the founder of DDP and the team of Lukman Hakim, La Elson, Danang Aria Nugroho and M Badar, was received by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Hudori. In addition, the Director General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina Pemdes), Dr Yusharto H, Director of Capacity Development Facilitation of Village Apparatur, Dr Paudah, Head of Planning Bureau, Dr Bachril Bakri, as well as Head of Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Asmawa Tosepu, AP, MSi.
DDP is the brainchild of Dr. Sofyan Sjaf, Lecturer of IPB University who considers the problem of village development in Indonesia today is the efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy of data. Currently, said Dr. Sofyan, village development is not on target and does not reach the target because the village data is inaccurate.
"Our DDP idea began in 2014, after a law on villages that opened participation spaces for villagers to build villages. In 2006 we felt when controlling the Development of Community Based Rural Areas (PKPBM). It seems that the potential of the village is not able to be drawn properly because the village does not have access to precise spatial and numerical data," said Dr. Sofyan.
The problem faced so far, he said, is collecting village data. Often residents are placed as objects of data development. So far, the principles of village potential data collection methodology (Podes) or Village and Village Profile (Prodeskel) in collecting data have not reached door to door. The lack of creativity and low human resources of village officials also contributed to the problem. In addition, generally the data is still processed manually.
"What happened was the data owned by the village, far from what should be needed. It says village map even though the village sketch, village monograph is made manually. This has an impact on lost targets. Because the planning wasn't well made," he said. The Precision Village data he initiated is expected to be able to describe the village as a whole. With drone participatory mapping approach, DDP is done by combining numerical and spatial data.
"The marriage of humans and technology, primarily drones and digital, will result in three data namely high-resolution imagery, numerical data with Merdesa application and qualitative data (historical and institutional). This data in the future can be used as the basis for village development planning," he added.
Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr Muhammad Hudori who was present on the occasion appreciated the presence of DDP. Precision data is very complete and can be combined with Prodeskel data. Dr Hudori added that every year the Ministry of Villages always issues a Regulation of the Minister of Villages (Permendes). "Will the Ministry of Finance be ready to build this DDP. I'll try to communicate. Because it is also necessary to prepare technical instructions (technical guidelines) for the needs of DDP. If Only Indonesia had data on all villages and would be placed in the village government, then this is very good," he said.
The steps that Have been done by Dr. Sofyan in the DDP, said Kapusdatin, Asmawa Tosepu, can be a supplement to the data already owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the biggest problem now is updating the data. Similarly, Director General of Village Development, Dr. Yusharto said, from the existing data needs to be classified methodically. Currently there are severe diseases, such as how to bring the participation of experts. "Then also the level of literacy of the villagers. Operational definitions for building categorization, for example, how to verify their sizes. There are dozens of categories of houses ranging from permanent to uninhabitable, who is authorized to establish it all," Yusharto said.
In response, Dr. Sofyan Sjaf said, in the DDP program there will be Saung Data in each village based on Rukun Warga (RW). The data will be updated by two people per RW, for dynamic data such as demographics. Meanwhile, updating spatial data is enough to fly drones for changing spots.
"Data operators become important for updating data. The district already has a server, how to optimize it. Therefore, the existence of servers is even needed up to the sub-district level," he added. Furthermore, Dr. Sofyan appreciated the Ministry of Internal Affairs who saw the potential of DDP to be implemented. Therefore, he hopes that the implementation of DDP can be implemented soon because the village is in desperate need. (IAAS/NAS)