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22 Januari 2022

Precise Village Data, a New Milestone for Residents Around the IPB University Campus

The Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University has conducted a census of the Precise Village Data (DDP) in Balumbang Jaya Village, (18/1). The DDP census has been running for two months starting November 16, 2020, in Balumbang Jaya Village and has reached 80 percent of the census data.

This participatory census is a joint work to build Precise Village Data by LPPM IPB University with the innovator Deputy Head of LPPM of Community Service, Dr. Sofyan Sjaf. This activity aims to help villages or sub-districts obtain accurate and valid village data, both in social and spatial terms, that becomes a reference in decision making and policy, especially matters relating to the village.

One of the selected villages around the IPB University campus is Balumbang Jaya Village, West Bogor District, Bogor City. The activity is a collaborative work between IPB University lecturers and students with village youth. Balumbang Jaya Village itself involved 32 village youths to participated in this activity.

During the participatory census Precise Village Data, the community must implement the health protocol properly, namely 3M (Using Masks, Washing Hands, and Maintaining Distance). Since this activity began to be implemented, the Balumbang Jaya Village Government has been very enthusiastic and appreciative in welcoming the IPB University Precise Village Data activity.

"This is a historical milestone for residents around the IPB University campus because society isn't just an object but a subject it's proven by collaborative work between lecturers and students with village youths. Besides, the Balumbang Jaya Village government also helped at the beginning of the activity with supervision related to socialization and problems faced during the program. The village government always responds quickly for residents who still need an explanation regarding the Precise Village Data Program in Balumbang Jaya Village, "said Dr. Sofyan.

The results of participatory census data will be submitted directly by the Rector of IPB University to the village chief or Lurah in 12 Villages around the IPB University Campus currently in the finalization stage of the census participatory Precise Village Data. (* / LPPM) (IAAS / MSW)

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22 Januari 2022

Kunjungi Muaragembong, Mensos Risma Terima Data Desa Presisi

BERITACIKARANG.COM, MUARAGEMBONG – Keberadaan desa tidak dapat dilepaskan dari agenda pembangunan nasional. Pasalnya, desa memiliki potensi sumberdaya yang selama ini dibutuhkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan nasional. Namun, hingga kini potensi desa masih belum bisa optimal pengelolaannya. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah lemahnya basis data yang dimiliki untuk dijadikan acuan pembangunan.

Menteri Sosial Tri Rismaharini mengatakan program pembangunan di segala lini kehidupan akan menjadi tepat guna, tepat sasaran, akuntabel dan transparan apabila dilakukan dengan menggunakan basis data yang akurat dari hasil riset. Dengan demikian, program tersebut dapat dipertanggungjawabkan baik secara ideologis, etis dan ilmiah.

“Sudah saatnya Indonesia memiliki data tunggal yang digunakan oleh seluruh kementerian dan lembaga negara sampai tingkat pemerintah daerah,” ujar Risma – panggilan akrab Tri Rismaharini saat menerima Data Desa Presisi di Kantor Desa Pantaibakti, Kecamatan Muaragembong, Jumat (22/01).

Menurut Risma, Data Desa Presisi memiliki tingkat akurasi dan ketepatan yang tinggi untuk memberikan gambaran kondisi aktual desa yang sesungguhnya. Data ini, diambil, divalidasi dan diverifikasi oleh pemerintah desa, perangkat desa, masyarakat desa dibantu oleh pihak luar desa, yakni Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas IPB.

“Data Desa Presisi ini merupakan inovasi yang kedepannya akan mengakhiri polemik data,” tuturnya.

Risma menambahkan dengan adanya Data Desa Presisi, maka diharapkan tidak akan ada lagi bantuan yang tidak tepat sasaran. Informasi mengenai jumlah keluarga, jumlah penduduk dan sejenisnya akan benar-benar sesuai dengan realitas di lapangan. “Memang tak bisa dipungkiri data merupakan kewenangan dari pusat, tapi ada ruang inovasi yang perlu kita hasilkan,” ucapnya.

Kegiatan penyerahan data desa presisi itu, juga turut dihadiri Kepala LPPM IPB Eman Rustiadi, Ketua Tim Data Presisi Sofyan Sjaf, Rektor IPB Prof. Arif Satria, Kepala Perpustakaan Nasional Muhammad Syarif Bando, Wakapolres Metro Bekasi, Rickson PM. Situmorang, Kepala Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Bekasi Endin Samsudin, Camat Muaragembong Lukman Hakim serta Kepala Desa dan aparatur pemerintah Desa Pantai Bakti. (BC)

22 Januari 2022

LPPM IPB University and Ministry of Internal Affairs Discuss About Precision Village Data

IPB University Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) organized with the Ministry of Internal Affairs held a discussion related to the Precision Village Data Program (DDP) in Jakarta, (15/12). This meeting was held in order to brainstorm DDP to become a national program.

Dr. Sofyan Sjaf, Deputy Head of Community Service of IPB University who is also the founder of DDP and the team of Lukman Hakim, La Elson, Danang Aria Nugroho and M Badar, was received by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dr. Muhammad Hudori. In addition, the Director General of Village Government Development (Ditjen Bina Pemdes), Dr Yusharto H, Director of Capacity Development Facilitation of Village Apparatur, Dr Paudah, Head of Planning Bureau, Dr Bachril Bakri, as well as Head of Data and Information Center (Pusdatin) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Asmawa Tosepu, AP, MSi.

DDP is the brainchild of Dr. Sofyan Sjaf, Lecturer of IPB University who considers the problem of village development in Indonesia today is the efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy of data. Currently, said Dr. Sofyan, village development is not on target and does not reach the target because the village data is inaccurate.

"Our DDP idea began in 2014, after a law on villages that opened participation spaces for villagers to build villages. In 2006 we felt when controlling the Development of Community Based Rural Areas (PKPBM). It seems that the potential of the village is not able to be drawn properly because the village does not have access to precise spatial and numerical data," said Dr. Sofyan.

The problem faced so far, he said, is collecting village data. Often residents are placed as objects of data development. So far, the principles of village potential data collection methodology (Podes) or Village and Village Profile (Prodeskel) in collecting data have not reached door to door. The lack of creativity and low human resources of village officials also contributed to the problem. In addition, generally the data is still processed manually.

"What happened was the data owned by the village, far from what should be needed. It says village map even though the village sketch, village monograph is made manually. This has an impact on lost targets. Because the planning wasn't well made," he said. The Precision Village data he initiated is expected to be able to describe the village as a whole. With drone participatory mapping approach, DDP is done by combining numerical and spatial data.

"The marriage of humans and technology, primarily drones and digital, will result in three data namely high-resolution imagery, numerical data with Merdesa application and qualitative data (historical and institutional). This data in the future can be used as the basis for village development planning," he added.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Dr Muhammad Hudori who was present on the occasion appreciated the presence of DDP. Precision data is very complete and can be combined with Prodeskel data. Dr Hudori added that every year the Ministry of Villages always issues a Regulation of the Minister of Villages (Permendes). "Will the Ministry of Finance be ready to build this DDP. I'll try to communicate. Because it is also necessary to prepare technical instructions (technical guidelines) for the needs of DDP. If Only Indonesia had data on all villages and would be placed in the village government, then this is very good," he said.

The steps that Have been done by Dr. Sofyan in the DDP, said Kapusdatin, Asmawa Tosepu, can be a supplement to the data already owned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But the biggest problem now is updating the data. Similarly, Director General of Village Development, Dr. Yusharto said, from the existing data needs to be classified methodically. Currently there are severe diseases, such as how to bring the participation of experts. "Then also the level of literacy of the villagers. Operational definitions for building categorization, for example, how to verify their sizes. There are dozens of categories of houses ranging from permanent to uninhabitable, who is authorized to establish it all," Yusharto said.

In response, Dr. Sofyan Sjaf said, in the DDP program there will be Saung Data in each village based on Rukun Warga (RW). The data will be updated by two people per RW, for dynamic data such as demographics. Meanwhile, updating spatial data is enough to fly drones for changing spots.

"Data operators become important for updating data. The district already has a server, how to optimize it. Therefore, the existence of servers is even needed up to the sub-district level," he added. Furthermore, Dr. Sofyan appreciated the Ministry of Internal Affairs who saw the potential of DDP to be implemented. Therefore, he hopes that the implementation of DDP can be implemented soon because the village is in desperate need. (IAAS/NAS)

22 Januari 2022

Dr Sofyan Sjaf Is Concerned About The Failure of Development due to Inaccurate Data

"The Precision Village Data Program (DDP) is needed as an application that can improve development in villages!" explained Dr. Sofyan Sjaf in the Public Lecture "The Application of Precision Village Data: One Data for One Nation" at the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business, University of Muhammadiyah Kendari (FEBI - UMK), (20/2). Deputy Head of the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) IPB University became the resource person in this activity.

In particular, the initiator of the DDP also explained the 132 pages of The Precision Village Data book (2021) of his work with the team. The contents of the book are a collection of the results of multidisciplinary scientific research conducted since 2015.

"The special mission of the birth of this book is to trigger critical awareness of all parties, including academics, government, private sector, social activists, and villagers about the importance of Precision Village Data (DDP) in rural development," said the former Head of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies ( PSP3) IPB University.

Dr Sofyan is concerned about the lack of accuracy of the data and the magnitude of data error generated by certain institutions, in which the results are used by the government. "The DDP idea originated from my concern over the data polemic that has occurred until now. Data inaccuracy can lead to failure of the development policies," he said.

The public lecture received good responses from the audience that attended the event. "Events like this are very good, and will certainly add more insights. Moreover, we can understand how data problems are very crucial in development and have not been resolved until now, "said Yusdin, one of the event participants.

Yusdin hopes that event like this can continue to be held because this is a good practice to improve references in viewing data and villages. "Hopefully LPPM IPB University and Campuses in Southeast Sulawesi, especially FEBI UMK, can work together and can organize various activities that can have beneficial value," he concluded. (LPPM / Zul) (IAAS/YES)

22 Januari 2022

IPB University Precision Village Data Supports Smart Agro-Maritime Village in North Sulawesi

In order to support the Smart Village government program, Dr. Sofyan Sjaf together with the Alumni Association (IKA) of SMAN 1 Kendari batch 96 initiated a book review with the title “Through Precision Village Data IKA SMANSA 96 Supports Sultra Smart Agro-Maritime Village,” at Claro Hotel, Kendari, 19/2.

The Presicion Village Data Book by Dr Sofyan Sjaf which was dissected at that time was discussed by four panelists, namely the Governor of Central Java and the Chair of KAGAMA, Ganjar Pranowo, Deputy Minister of Rural Development and Disadvantaged Areas and Transmigration, Budi Arie Setiadi, Chancellor of Halu Oleo Kendari University, Prof Dr Muhammad Zamun F, and Village Empowerment Activist, Musyida Arifin.

Regional Secretary of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Dr Nur Endang, representing the Governor of Southeast Sulawesi enthusiastically welcomed the event which supported the government's One Data Indonesia program. She hopes that he can support the implementation of Data Desa Presisi in North Sulawesi.

Dr Sofyan Sjaf started the review of this book by describing the problem of data in general in Indonesia and especially in overlapping and inaccurate villages. “The idea of a precision village started from the birth of the Village Law. The thing that became our thinking at that time was, is it possible for Indonesia to quickly and accurately describe the potential of its village which is still debatable even though Indonesia is already independent?” said Dr Sofyan.

“The Head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) even admits that there are differences in data between the central and regional governments. At different times, President Jokowi made a mistake about self-sufficiency in corn and in 2020, Jokowi finally emphasized that the polemic of social assistance data must be ended,” he said.

Dr Sofyan added, “Meanwhile, we know that currently there is a company called Google that has invested in centralizing data worth US $ 3.3 million. Why does Google want to invest that much? The answer is simple, because data is the nation's sovereignty,” he stressed.

He further explained, Data is Power of Sovereignty. “If we don't have data then this country will be finished. In that context, to respond to the industrial era 4.0, we must change the methodology and perspective in collecting data,” he explained.

He admitted, to produce top down data into bottom up, he was inspired by a book that aims to achieve the goals of the state, namely to prosper and educate the life of the nation. So it must go through five aspects of people's welfare, namely 1) clothing, food, shelter; 2) education and culture; 3) health, employment and social security; 4) social life, law and human rights; 5) infrastructure and environment.

“These five aspects can only be achieved with democratic rural development and with accurate data,” explained Dr Sofyan.

To realize precise village data, Dr Sofyan admitted that he needed an approach that combined spatial elements through drone technology, a census with a digital application that could measure the honesty of respondents, and space for participation.

He also explained that precision data could answer the results of his 2014 research as much as 47.13 percent. Where the data presented through the village potential is in error condition. With this data the planning will be wrong, the implementation will be wrong, then the monitoring and evaluation will fail.

Dr Sofyan said there were four data problems faced, namely:

1. Villagers are always placed as objects in compiling data. Many ministries come to the village but are not returned to the village. In public precision data must be the subject in compiling data.

2. Lack of creativity in compiling village data. In this case, it is necessary to play the role of universities that master technology to accompany the village. Knowledge transfer problems that must be resolved by involving the role of the campus.

3. Lack of data access, especially spatial data. This can be solved with a technology called drones, drones that can take village landscapes and anything with a resolution of five centimeters. This is what is used to build a precision village.

4. Data compiled and processed manually. With technology 4.0, you can count the number of trees in the village, calculate the potential of the village and so on.

“Precision data has a high degree of accuracy to provide an actual picture of the real village. And the low costs are very likely the village funds can do that. With precise data, we can calculate the potential of the village in the form of the amount of vegetation, the amount of biodiversity, food consumption per month, how much money rotates per month to meet basic needs, the distribution of houses unfit for habitation, infrastructure maps, and so on. If we don't start with data, it will be crushed by the ages. Let's start with data, then Indonesia will find space for its sovereignty tomorrow,” he concluded. (*)

22 Januari 2022

Dekan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo Apresiasi Data Desa Presisi IPB University

“Kita antusias dengan Data Desa Presisi (DDP) yang sangat penting dalam reformasi Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Dengan adanya penjelasan Dr Sofyan Sjaf selaku penggagas DDP, maka semakin jelas dan clear dengan program Data Desa Presisi tersebut. Program yang dipastikan banyak manfaatnya ini bisa diterapkan pada enam desa binaan kami,” ujar Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo, Dr Edward Ngii.

Ia menilai pentingnya Data Desa Presisi (DDP) dengan hak mahasiswa untuk belajar tiga semester di luar program studi. Hak tersebut berdasarkan Permendikbud No. 3 tahun 2020 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi yang salah satunya berkaitan dengan MBKM.

Dr Edward juga menekankan ingin belajar mengenai server DDP dan hubungannya dengan aplikasi Merdesa.

Pernyataan Dekan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo tersebut disampaikan pada diskusi buku Data Desa Presisi (2021) yang ditulis Dr Sofyan Sjaf dan tim, (20/2). Dalam kegiatan yang digelar Universitas Halu Oleo ini, Dr Sofyan Sjaf hadir dan memaparkan tentang DDP.

Senada dengan Dr Edward, Dr Laode Muh Golok Jaya juga tertarik untuk mengadopsi DDP untuk dikaitkan dengan MBKM.

Rudi Balaka, ST, MT, Ketua Jurusan Teknik Sipil memberikan tanggapan detail, “Saya ingin tahu apakah program DDP ini bisa kita gunakan di bantaran sungai kawasan banjir dan lokasi banjir. Dan apakah bisa digunakan untuk melihat potensi atau identifikasi bangunan yang ada seperti saluran irigasi, apakah rusak berat, sedang atau ringan.”

Usai diskusi tersebut Fakultas Teknik Universitas Halu Oleo berencana melakukan kerjasama dengan Fakultas Pertanian IPB University untuk melakukan langkah nyata dan berkolaborasi terkait dengan DDP.

“Menarik sekali paparan DDP karena kita bisa melihat potensi sumberdaya alam yang bisa tergambarkan dengan baik,” tekan Dr Edward. (LPPM/Zul)

22 Januari 2022

Kolaborasi Kemendagri dengan Kemensos dan Forum Rektor Indonesia terkait Data Desa Presisi

NUSANTARANEWS.CO, Jakarta – Kolaborasi Kemendagri dengan Kemensos dan Forum Rektor Indonesia terkait Data Desa Presisi. Menteri Dalam Negeri (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian menandatangani nota kesepahaman antara Kementerian Dalam Negeri (Kemendagri), Kementerian Sosial (Kemensos), dan Forum Rektor Indonesia (FRI), di Gedung C Sasana Bhakti Praja Kantor Kemendagri, Senin (29/3/2021). Nota Kesepahaman tersebut, terkait dukungan data dan informasi yang presisi menyangkut tata kelola pemerintah desa/kelurahan dan penyelenggaraan sosial desa/kelurahan.

Mendagri menjelaskan, momen penandatanganan ini penting karena merupakan bentuk kolaborasi antara pembuat kebijakan dengan dunia akademik. Ia pun menekankan, pentingnya kolaborasi untuk saling melengkapi di antara keduanya. “Yang terbaik adalah kita membuat kebijakan bagi para pengambil kebijakan, baik pusat maupun daerah disertai dengan platform teori dan data yang kuat secara ilmiah,” katanya.

Menurut Mendagri, keberadaan data desa yang presisi bakal memberi manfaat untuk pembangunan desa. Desa, ujar Mendagri, memiliki peran sentral sebagai sistem administasi pemerintahan terkecil di Indonesia. Ia menyebutkan, sejumlah upaya yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam mendukung pembangunan desa, baik secara regulasi, organisasi, maupun anggaran. Adapun regulasi yang dimaksud yaitu Undang-Undang (UU) Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa.

Di bidang organisasi, pemerintah telah membentuk Kementerian Desa, Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal dan Transmigrasi (Kemendes PDTT). Setiap tahunnya pemerintah juga telah mengucurkan dana desa. “Kalau kita melihat keseriusan untuk pengelolaan desa ini, di masa pemerintahan Presiden Jokowi itu, menurut saya sangat luar biasa,” ujarnya.

Dalam kesempatan yang sama, Menteri Sosial (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini mengaparesiasi ide untuk membuat data presisi di seluruh desa. Keberadaan data ini akan memudahkan pemerintah dalam menyusun kebijakan. Apalagi persoalan selama ini, kata Mensos, saat penyusunan kebijakan seringkali disulitkan dengan pencarian data secara lengkap.

Dengan adanya data desa presisi, dapat dilakukan pemantauan tak hanya berdasarkan data numerik, tetapi juga data spasial. Mensos mencontohkan bagaimana kerja data spasial dapat melihat perkembangan kondisi rumah masyarakat. “Bagi kami data ini sangat penting untuk mengevaluasi. Tidak (berdasarkan) katanya siapa, tetapi bahwa secara fisik kami bisa mengetahui dengan pasti,” kata Mensos.

Sementara itu, Ketua FRI Arif Satria menjelaskan, data desa presisi merupakan salah satu inovasi yang sudah berkembang di masyarakat dan akan terus ditingkatkan keakuratannya. Tujuannya, agar pengambilan keputusan dalam perencanaan dan proses pembangunan desa berjalan dengan baik. “Apapun juga data yang saat ini ada harus terus kita sempurnakan dengan berbagai metodologi yang terus kita sempurnakan,” katanya.

Arif menyebutkan, saat ini data desa presisi sudah dimanfaatkan oleh 16 kabupaten di Indonesia dan bakal terus berkembang di berbagai daerah. Upaya ini, kata Arif, akan dilakukan tentunya dengan bekerja sama dengan Kemendagri dan Kemensos. (Red)